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Part IL The Living Temp'le. 2 37 Sepream Wifdom ; but that there are Reasons of mighty Force and Weight, or certain Congruities, in the natures of things themfelves, obvious to the Di- vine `inderjlanding, which do either whollyefcape ours; or whereof we have but very fhallow, dark, conjeciural '! Ap- prehenj ons ; as he that faw Men as Trees,' or as fome Creatures of "very a- cute s,_ perceive, what touslams in- vifible.' And yet thofe occult and hid- den Reafons andCongruities, have been the 'Foundation of Conflitutions and Laws, that hold things more Readily than Adamantine Bands, and are of more f ability, than the Foundations of Heaven and Earth. Furthermore, it is to be confidered, that the Rights of the Divine Govern- ment ; the Quality and Meafirre of Of- fences committed againft it, and when, or upon what terms, they may be re- mitted _, or in what Cafe, it may be congruous to the Dignityof that Go- vernment, to recede fromfinch Rights, are Matters of fo high a Nature, that it becomes us to be very sparing, in mak- ing an Eftirnate about them 5 efpeci- ally a more diminifhing one than the general Strain ofScripture Teems to hold forth.