Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

2 38 theLiving Temple. Part II. forth. Even among Men, how facred things are Majefly, and the Rights of Government ! And how much above the reach of a vulgar Judgment ! Sup- pofe a Company of Peafants, that un- derfland little more, than what is with. in the compafs of their Mattock, Plow, and Shovel, fhould take upon them to judge of the Rights of their Prince, and make an Eftimate of the meafure of Offences, committed againft the Maje- fly, and Dignity ofGovernment ! How Competent Judges would we think them ? And will we not acknowledge the moil refined, human JnderJlanding as Incompetent to judge of the Rights of the Divine Government? Or mea- fure the Injurioufnefr ofan Offence, done againft it ; as the meanefi Peafant to make an Eftimate of thefe matters in an ,Human Government? If only the Re- putation be wrong'd, of a Perfori of better Quality, how ftri &ly is it infifk- ed on, to have the Matter tried by Peers, or Perfons of equal Rank! fuch as are capable of underftanding Ho- nour and Reputation ! How would it be refented, ifan Affront put upon a Nobleman, fhould be committed to the judgment ofSmiths and Coblers, efpe- cially