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Part II. Zhe Living Temple. 239 dally ifthey were participes criminis, and as well Parties, as Judges? When the Regaliaof the great Ruler, and Lord, of Heaven and Earth, are invaded, His Temple violated, His Pre- fence defpifed, His Image torn down thence and defaced : Who among the Sons ofMen, areeither great, orknow- ing, or innocent enough, to judge of the Offence andWrong? Ox howfit it is that it be remitted, without Recom- pence ? Or what Recompence would be proportionable ? How fuppofable is it, that there may be Congruities in this matter, obvious to the DivineUn- derftanding, which infinitely exceed the meafureof ours? And yet, becaufeGod fpeaks to us about theft Matters, and they are our own Concern=ments, as being ofthe of- fending Parties ; it is necefary we apm plyour Minds to underftand them, and poffible tous toattain to a true, though not to a full underítandng of them. And thoughwe can never fully com- prehend in our own Thoughts the Horror of the Cafe, that reafonable Creatures, made after God's Image, fo highly favour'd by him, capable of Bleffed-