240 The Living Temple. Part IL Bleffednefs in him, uncapable of it any other way ; fhould havearriv'd to that pitch of Wickednefs towards him, and (. nnaturalnefs towards themfIves, as to fay to him, Depart from us; and cut themfelves offfrom him ; tho' we may foóner lofe our (elves in the Contem- plation, and be overwhelm'd by our own Thoughts, than ever fee through the 'monftrousEvil of this Defearion Yet we may foon fee it, incomparably to tranfcend the Mcafore of any Offence, thatcanever.be:done, by one Creature againft another ; or of the molt fcan- dalous Affront the meaneft, the vileft themoil ungrateful,ill-natured Wretch could have devifed to put upon the greatelt, the molt benign and belt de- ferving Prince the World ever knew. And if we can fuppofe an Offence of that kind, may be of fo haìnous a Na- ture, and fo circumftanc'd, as that it cannot be congruous, it fhould be re- mitted without fome Reparation made to the Majefly of the Prince, and Com- penfation for the Scandal done to Go- vernment : It is eafy to fappofe ic much more incongruous, it fhould be fo, in theprefent Cafe. Yea,