Part II. The Living Temple. 25/ Or do we find our felves more per ,lc.x . how to underftand, confiftently with foci Declarations of his merciful Na- ture, thofe Paffages, which fometimes alfo occur, that feem to intimate a corn- placential Vndictivenefs, and Delight taken in punifhing. TheLord is jea- lous, the Lord revengeth : Yea, that he feems to appropriate it as peculiar to, himfelf. Vengeance is mine, aidI will repay it ; that Indignation, and Wrath, Tribulation, and .Anguifb'hall be upon every. Soul, ofMan that doth Evil; that ipeakof his laying up Sin, fealing, it a- monghis Treafiires; of his waiting for- a Day ofrecompences ; of his whetting hisglittering Sword, his making his Bow ready, and preparing his Arrows on the firing ; ofhis being refrefbt by As of Vengeance, his fatiating of his Fury, and calling it hereupon to refi, as ha-, ving highly pleafed; and fatisfied him- felt therewith. If any thing alien to the Divine Na- ture, and difagreeable to the other, fo amiable Difcoveries of it, be thought imported in fuch Expreffions; let it only be confîdered, frrii, what Mg be allow'd to be their import, and next, how wellfo much will agree with a right Conception of God. kor