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2 5 2 The Living Temple. Part II. For the former; it is not neceffary, that fuch Expreflions be underttood to intendmore, and it feems neceffary, they be not underftood to import lefr,than a confiant, calm, difpaffìonate, cornpla- cential Will, fofar to punifh Sin, as fhall be neceffary to the Ends of His Govern, went. That they do import a Will to punifh, is evident ; for they are mani- fef1 Expreflionsof Anger, whereof we can fay nothing more gentle, than that it is a Will to punifh. It cannot fignify Puniflarent, without that Will ; for though the wordAnger, or Wrath, be fometimes ufed in Scripture for the Punifhment it felf; yet, even then, that Willis fuppofed, otherwife, what is faid to be Punifhment, were an un- intended Accident ; and then, how were it a Punifhment ? Much lefs can it fignify only God's declaration of his Will to punifli, excluding that Will it /elf : For then what is it a Declaration of ? Or what Both it declare ? Surely we will acknowledge it a true Declara, tion ; then it cannot be the Declarati- on of nothing, but mutt have forge- what, in God, correfpondent to it, viz, the Will which it declares. Which be- ing plain ; that it be, allo, a difpafTon, ' ate