Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living Temple. 2 5 5 is now taken in letting him feel, and have to fenfible a Demonfkration of his Error. But that wherewith we muff fuppofe VIE. the Bleífed God to be pleafed, in the Matter ofPunithing, is the Congruity of the thing it felf, that the facred Rights ofhis Government over the World, be Vindicated, and that it be underftood, how ill his Nature can comport with any thing that is impure : And what is in it felf fo highly congruous, cannot but be the Matter of his Dele1ation. He takes Eternal Pleafure, in the Reafon- ablenefs, and Fitnefs of his own De- terminations and Actions ; and rejoycer in the Works of his own Hands, as agree- ing with the apt, eternal Schemes, and Models, which he hath conceived in bis moft wife, and all-comprehending Mind : So that, though he defireth not the DeathofSinners, and bath no de- light in the Sufferings of his afflicted Creatures, which his immenfe Goodnefs rather inclines him to beholdwith Conì- pafon ; yet, the true Ends of Punifh- ment are fomuch a greater Good, than their Eafe, and Exemption from the Sur- feripg, they had deferved ; that they mutt