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2 5 6 The Living Temple. Part H. muff rather be chofen, and cannot be e- ligible for any reafon, but for which alfo they are to be delighted in ; i. e. a real Goodnefs, and conduciblenefs to a va- luable end, inherent in them. Upon which account the juft Exe- cution of the Divine Pleafure in the Punifhment of infolent Offenders, is fometimes fpoken of under the Notion ofàfolemn Feflival, a Seafon of Joy, yea even of a Sacrifice, as having a Fragrancy, or delectable Savour in it. But whereas fome of the above-menti- oned Expreffions do feem to intimatea delight in fatisfying afurious vindictive Appetite ; we are to confider, that what is fpoken for the Warning, and Ter- rour ofJiupid, befitted Men, was necef- farily tobe fpoken with fome Accom- modation to their dull Apprehenfion of the things, which they, yet, fee and feel not. For which purpofe the Perfon is put on, fometimes, of an en- raged, mighty Man ; the Terror of which Reprefentation is more appre- henfible to vulgar Minds, than thecalm, deliberate Proceedings of Magiflratical 7 flice ; it beingmany times more re- quifite, that Expreffions be rather fuit- ed to the Perfonfoken to, though they fomewhat