Part it, The Living Teenpie. '257 fomewhat lefsexaddy fquare, with the thing it f lf, intended to be fpolken. Wherefore, this being al:' that we VIM have any reafon to understand import- ed, in fuch 'Texts ofScri fftrre, as we be-- fore rnention'd, viz,. A calm and con- fant Will of preferving the Divine Go- vernment from Contempt, by a due Pu= n fhmeat offuck, as do offer injurious fronts to it ; and that takes pleafire in itfelt, or is fatisfied with the Congru- ity andFitnefs of its own Determina- tion ; What can there be in this unroor= thy ofGod ? What that difagrees with his other Perfections ? Or that the no-, tion ofa being every way perfea, Both not exact', and claim, as nece Warily be- longing to it ? For to cur off this, from it, were certainly, a very great Maim to the Notion of filch a Bei:Rrg 5 if we confider it, at invel'ted with the Pightj and Office ofSupream Reaor, or Ruler of the World. For if you frame fuch an Idea of a Prince, as fhould exclude a Difpofition to punifb Offenders, who would not prefenrly ob1 rve in it, an intolerable Defer` ? Suppofe Xenophon to have given this Chara&er of his yrti', that he was a Perfon of fo tweet S a