Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

2 58 The Living Temple, Part II. a Nature, that he permitted every one todo what was good in his own Eyes ; ifany one put Indignities upon him, he took no Offence at it ; hedifpenfed Favours alike to all, even they that de- fpifedhis Authority, invaded his Rights, attempted the Subverfion of his Govern- ment, with the Difturbance, andCon- fufion of all that lived under it, had equal Countenance, and Kindnefs from him, as they that were molt obfervant ofhis Laws, and faith.ful to his Interei; and it were as fate, for any one to be hisfixorn Enemy, as his molt loyal and -devoted SubjeU. Who would take this for a Commendation ? Or think fuch a one fit to have fway'd a Scepter? Can there be no fuch thing as (7ood- nefs, without the Exclufon, and Ba- hifhment of 1'Vifdom, Righteoufnef and Truth ? Yea, it is plain, theynot only confa.4` with it, but that it is a manife(i Inconf iiency, it fhould be without them. The feveral Vertues of a well infirucfed Mind, as they all, concur to make up one entire Frame, ío they do each of them cat} a mu- tual lupre upon one another; much more is it fo with the feveral Excel- lencies of the Divine Being. But how