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Part II. The Living Temple. 2 6 Notion ofJufice, as it refpe5ls the Rights of another : There- fore, another Notion of it (as to him) to be f ught. God's Rights fo unalienable that he cannot quit them to his own Wrong, as Man can. Secon- darily, according to the other Notion. His Right to P,:nifb, depends not on his Legal Confli tution, but that on it. That he cannot altogether quit it, no. Detraiion from him. 7uflice, in a larger Notion, doth fur- ther oblige to infi ft upon Kecom -, pence, viz. Univerfal Jnliice, as efpecially it comprehends his Holinefs. His Wijdonr. The Fitnefs of God's Methods here- in, not to be only Contemplated by Men, but Angels. In what Settle Punifhrnents to be reckon'd Debts. This Matter frmmnl'd up. S 3 I. We