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a5a The Living Temple. Part II. I. E muff alto acknowledgea very vafé Difference between God's Government over his Intelligent Crea- tures, and that of a Secular Prince over his Subjec`s and are, thereupon, to enquire, Whether the _Notion of as it is applied to the one Government and the other, can be thefame. A Secular Ruler, is fet up and efla- blitht purpofely, for the Good of the Community, as the more principal End of his Conflitution. The People are not form'd for him, but he for them : Whence the Adminifiration of yufliceis a prblickand common Right, wherewith be is intrufed by theSupream Ruler for them, in order to the Common Good. Well, therefore, may his Decrees and Edicts go in this Form, and have this for their chiefScope and End, Ne quid detrimenti re(publica capiat. And hence the negle&, dulyandfeafonably, to Ani- madvert upon Offenders, is a Violation of thepublick 7ufice, committed to his ,tIanagement ; for which he is accoun- table to him that intrufied him. 'Tis h. Wrong done to the Community, of whofe Rights he is the appointed Guar- dian. And whereas fuch Offences, as mare