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Part II. The Living 'Temple. 2 67 the part of a Governour, ruling accor- ding toknown and eflablifb'cl Laws. Yet, very plain it is, that. for the Ill. a nal Infliction of fuch Punifhments, holy Scripture (peaks of it, not mealy as a.Cancomitant of Jufkice, or as that whichmay conffl with it ; but as an. Effect : Which the eii'v`everpd ano mention- ed by the Apofcle, plainly fignifies, 3 Mel: r. 9. when he tells us, it is with God a righteous thing, Atom (that mutt be not only what Juftice doth ad- mit, but exa&) to reconpence, àv1«..c ssv'.', Tribulation to the Troublers of his Peo- ple, &c. And when we are told, Roar. 2. 6. That God will render (or recom- pence, '70Qet) to every one according to his Works, even in the Day a's)ove-men- tion'd, Wier. 5. which is called, 71,166 ó1,74s, r à6-a0J,e:, 2es 44,0xewtas, the Day of Wrath, and of the Revelation of the righteous judgment of God : And that 'tis faid, the World was to becorn vró;ri; 9- (guilty we read) liable to be min- pleaded before God, Rom. 3, 19. And again, Chap. 12. T 9. That tixdtxrms, Ven- geance, is faid to belong to him, and he will repay : With many more Paffages of like import. But