Part H. The Living 'Temple. 169 ed ; fo as that, by Tranrej j,: on, Men may forfeit fuch Rights ; or by Confent and mutual Contracts, transfer them to one another. Whereupon, they have no unalienable Rights, none whereof they may not be diveffed, either by their Default, or Confent ; fometimes, by both together, as by afaulty Content : And, indeed, if it be by the former, it muff beby the latter; becaufe, no Man is fuppofed to commit a Fault againfl his Will: But it may be, by the latter, without theformer, as none can doubt, but one may innocently deveít himfelf, in many cafes, ofhis own prefent Right ; otherwife, there could be no fuch thing in the World, as either Gift or Sale. And hence it comes to pats, that the 7uflice, which is inherent in any Man, comes to be converfant about the the Rights ofanother, not his oron ; fo far, as to oblige him not to intrench npon the Rights of another, while yet it forbids him not, to di {-pore of bis own, as they are nreerly his : And there is no fuch thing as 7uflice towards a Mansfelf, Co inhibiting him as (tho' perhaps fuch an Aft ought not to have been done) to make his A&, in that kind, invalid, when he hall done it, only