Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living Temple. -27 t and God bath none, that he canfo part with. Hereupon, therefore, God did owe it to himfif primarily, as the ahfolute So- vereign and Lord of all, not to fuffer Indignities to be offered him, without animadverting upon them, and there- fore, to determine, he would do fo. But withal, he having undertaken the part of a Legal Governour, and to rule byEflablifht Laws, that fhould be theflated meafisres of Sin, and Duty, of Punifhments, and Rewards ; hereby Common Order was to be preferv'd in thegoverned Community : And having publifhed his Conflitution, in his Word, and othermif , fufficiently to that pur= pole; he bath hereby, fecorrdarily,made himfelf Debtor to the Community, and, by his Conftitution, given Men fon.e Right to the Benefit of that Order, which was to be maintained among themby theft Means. Which Benefit they do here, in this prefect State, ae`,fu- ally partake in f me meafure, and might in a greater meafsre, if they were mole governable, or would regard, and be awed more, by the Laws (with their Sanctions) VL.