272 The Living Temple. Part If, Sanctions) of their great and rightful Ruler and Lord. Wherefore, though Men have no Benefit by the Punith- ments of the future State, they have, or might have, by the (feared) Comrnina- tion of them, which (neglected) made the actual Infli&ion of them neceffary a Nor had they only the probable) Be- nefit ofprefent Order hereby, but of a future well-being ; it being the defgn of that, as of all the Comminations of wire andgood Rulers, toprevent theDe- fert of the threatned Punifhment, and confequently, the Purnifivnent it f 1 And tho' Men could have no right to anyfich Benefit, before the Confitution vet, it is not unconceivable, that, by it, they might have fotne, viz. an inferior a adfcondary VII. Wherefore, the bleffed God, by ma- king the Legal Con(itution, that he will have [land as the Meafure of his Go- vernment, hath not added to his own Right, to govern, and punif, as. there. is Caufe; for it was natural, and need td nothing to fupport it. The Conf i tution rather limits, than caufes his -Right, which depends not on it ; but gives rife to it rather. He gives Affu- rance,