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Part II. The Living Temple. 275 Whereas, with God, it is, as all other Excellencies are, in higheft Perfeaion, and bath always the force withhimof an Eternal and Immutable Law. And ifany íhould imagine this to VIII. detract from the Abfolutenefr of God's Dominion and Sovereignty, and fet him, in this refpe&, beneath his own Creatures; that whereas they can quit their Rights, it íhould be fuppofed he cannot forego his ; 'tis anfwered, It hath not been faid, That God can forego noneofhis own Rights ; it is plain he doth, when having the Right to Punifh a Sinner, he, by Pardon, con- fers upon him Right to Impunity; but he cannot do it to the Prejudice, and Difhonour of his glorious Excellencies, and the Dignity of his Government And therefore, if fome Preparation were requifite to his doing it, confifi- ently, with thedue Honour and Reps- tation thereof, luflice towards himf f required, he íhould infifl upon it which is no more a Detraction from his Abfolutenefs, than that he cannot Lye, or do any thing unworthy of him- felf. He is fo abfolute, that he can do what ever he pleafs ; but fo Jus`f, that T 2 be