276 The Living Temple. Part II. he cannot be pleafed to do an runrigh- teousthing. IX. $ut, be fides that fir/E'er Notion of God's yuf:ce, as it is converfant about, and conlervative of, his own Rights ; we may alto confider it in a larger, and more comprehenfive Notion, as it in- cludes his feveral moral Attributes, and Excellencies, and anfwers to that, *d,o,.t, which, amongMen, is called C.lniver- ,1,Na11 rwfal 7uflice, and reckon'd to contain in it all Venues*. For, fo taken, it comprehends his Holinefs, and perfet! Detefiation of all impurity; in refpe&whereof, he can- not but be perpetually inclined to ani- madvert with Severity ueon Sin ; both becaufeof its irreconcileable Contrariety :to hie Holy Nature, and the infolent Affront which it, therefore, direaly offers him ; and becaufe of the cite, molt injurious Alifreprefentation of him, which it contains in it, as if he were either kindly, or more indiffe- rently, affe&ed towards it : Upon which accounts, we may well fuppofe him to efleem it neceffary for him, both to conflitute a Rulefor punifhing it, and topunifh it, accordingly ; that he may both