Fart II. The Living Temple. 2i7 both truly as his own Nature, and truly reprefent it. And again; if we take the Notion of X. his Mice in this latitude. it will com- prehend his governing Wifdora, the part ofwhichAttribute it is, to deter- mine, and dire&, the doing whatl'oev- er isfit tobe determin'd, anddone; as it is the partofhis Righteoufnefs (taken in the flric e(i' Senfe) to re(olve upon, and execute, whatever the Rules of Ju- Licedo require, and call for. 'Tis the Judge ofDecencies, or what it is meet, and becoming him, as the Lord and Ru- ler of the World, to do, or not do. And a very reafonable Account might be given of this matter, that we may renew, and fomewhat further infift on, what was faid above, Ch. VI. S. V. &c. There are twiny jufl Laws made by Humane Legiflators, to the making whereof, tho' yufiice (in the jlrieler Senfe) did not rigidly oblige them, fo that they had been unju.fl, if theyhad not made them; yet, this other Princi- ple, of equal importance to Govern- ment, and which al fo cloth not, alto- - ether, refuge the Muse o fJufice might r'auire