Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

278 The Living Temple. Part H. require the making them, and would not be well comported with, by omit- ting to make them. Hereupon, therefore, if it fhould be enquired, was it, antecedently to the making of this Conftitution, an indifferent thing with God, whether to determine Sinfl. ould be punifht, or not? I anfwer, even upon this Ground, No it was not indifferent, but mofi indif penfably neceffary. Any thing is, with neceffary, as he is the Suprearn Governour, that is, upon a prudential account, nto.i fit, and conducible to the ends of Government. An antece- dent Neceffity we might therefore affert, fuck, as not only arifes from .his jufi%ce mofiftrictly taken, but his if;pow alto whofe part it is tojudge ofCongruities, as it is the part of ftrict Jut ice to deter mine Matters ofRight. Nor is it unfit to fay, Wifdont is the chief. Principle exercifed in making Laws, ,jtuf AG governing, according to Lalys already made. I fay the chief;, for jufiica, h4th that part in Legiflation too,which hath been afiigned it, as Wifdom hath a1Ip its part in the confequent Adntinid jiration. And what can be more new ry to the great Cod, than to d9 ever