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28o The Living Temple. Part II. more make them fwerve oneAce, than you can remove the Earth from its cen- ter, or change the Ordinances of Day andNight ; and whereas that bath place in all things, that tend to the keeping up the Reputation, and Grandietir of Government; where can it claim to haveplace, with equal right, as here Whereupon, we may, with greateft Affurance, affert, That in things which have this reference, 'tis equally inrpo1ble to the abfolutePerfe&ion oftheDivine Nature, that God {hot] Id do an in4 ept, or unfit thing, as an unjufI. And whereas .1 .Rrghteoufzefs is the dire- ive I-r.ncipi.', in refpt& of Equity; or Iniquity; fo is his 1Nifdom, of Con- gruity, and Incongruity, Decency and Indecency. And that 'tis equally necef- fary to him, todo what is molt worthy ofhitiifelf, and molt becoming his excel- lent Greatnefs7 as what is molt ftriktly Therefore, that when his tran- fcendent Greatnefs, is reprefented, in Terms as high, and great, as could come under Human Conception, 4eb. 2. 10. He, viz. for who'nr are all things ;, or d by whom 'are all things : (and what r'dfud hih !) As f tch, it is con- . :4 lidered,