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282 The Living Temple. Part II. confidering, that Men have all been in one common Cafe of Apof}acy and Condemnation, they who fhould be reítored toFavour, and anhappy (late, ihouid have no reafon to look ftrange- ly ;upon, one another, whatfoever the Way,,and Terms were,oftheir Reftituti- on being all dealt with alike. But we are to .defrgn a larger Field, and Sense for our Thoughts;; and to,con- fider, ;that, betides Men, that shall be r. eflaredfrom a fal'n, and lapfed State, there, are numberlefs Myriads of pure and, loyal Spirits, That never fell, and with whom reflored Hen are to make one entire happyCommunity, for ever. Nowwe are to confider, what Afpeft the Matter wouldhavc in their Eyes, if not ajngle Perfon, , or two, but fo vaft a Multitude, and not guilty of fome light, tranfient Offence only, but of in- folent, malicious Enmity, and Rebellion, againft the Divine Government, pro- pagatedand transmitted from Age to Age, . through all the Succefiions of Time.;; fhould be brought in upon thew, to partake: in the Dignities, and .Blef- fednefs:of their State, without any Re. paration,made, of fo and inning an °Injury I 'hough their; per fed