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Part II. The Livisg Temple. feet Subjection in all things to the good Pleafure of God, would: not allow them to be Exceptious, and apt to cen- lure his Doings, or Determinations - ;, yet, alfo his molt perfe Wifdom, and exaci Judgment, and knowledge of . what is in it Pelf mo.s`l fit, could much lefs admit, he fhould do any thing, li- able to be cenfured by his Creatures, as left fi't. And, no doubt, fo large, and capacious Intelle&s, may well be fuppofed to penetrate far into the Rea- fon, andWifdom, of his Difpenfat. -;ns'- and fo, not only to exercife Submi i. on, in an implicite Acquiefcence in the, unfen, and only belie,v'd, fitnefs of them ; but alfo to take an unexpref- ble Complacency and Satisfaction in, what they .manifefaly difcern thereof, and to be able to reíolve their Deleta- Lion in the Ways and Works of God, into an higher Caufe and Reafon, than the meer general Belief that he cloth all things well, viz. their immediate de- lightful viewof the Congruity and Fitnefs of what he does. When