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Part II. The hiving Temple. 285 common Lord, and the Dignity of his Government, by his revolted Creatures, antecedent to the Receptionof any of them intoGrace and Favour, but high- ly admire the lovely Comlinefs, and Congruityof his whole Difpenfation, and exprefs their pleafant Refentments, . by bearing a part with the Redeemed Society, in fuch ftrains of Praife, fuch Admiration and Applaufes as thefe Holy andmarvellous are thy Worlds, Lord God Almighty, pat and true are thy Judgments, thou King of Nations, and ofSaints. Upon the whole, there appears fuf- ficient Reafon to conclude, not only upon the Account ofJuflice morefiriEl- ly taken ; but alfo of Congruity and Fitnefs ; or according tofilch a larger NotionofJuflice, as imports an inflexi- ble Propenfion to dowhat isfit and con- gruous to be done, it was indifpenfaby necefary, the Holy God fhould, in or- der to his return to his 7ernple among Men, infift to have a Recotnpence made, for the Wrong that was done him, by the Violation of it. Nor XII. MININIIMM=r