Part H. The Living Temple. 287 eafily of ignable, yet nodoubt at all is madeconcerning the Debtor. For how abfurdly íhould he be faid to be a Debtor. that owes no Debt. Therefore, Punifhments are not of the nature of thofe Debts that, accord- ing to the Rules of commutative Mice arife by Contract between Man and Man ; and which, as they arife by confent, between the two Covenant- ing Parties, may as well ceafe by con- fent. But nothing hinders, but they may be fuchDebts as are to be eftima- ted by the difiributive Mice of Rulers, whereof we mutt either fay, that of fome, Juftice Both oblige Humane and Secular Rulers to exact the Pnnifhment ; or elfe that Magifratical JHfice would allow the remittingof all, and that no Offences, of any kind, be ever at all punitht. But if the yuf ice of any Secu- lar Rulers, oblige them to punith fonte Offenders 5 then molt of all, that of the Supream, and molt abfolute Ruler, and Lordofall, whofe Rights are na- tural, anddepend not on our confent, or anyContract with us; no more than our Confent was previous, to our com- ing into Being, or our becoming his Creatuies andwhofe Mice muff be more