2SS The Living Temple. Part II, more concerned to proteC, and vindi- cate his Rights, than that of any. earth- ly. Governour can be to preferve the Rightsof even the moil confiderable Community. No Community, nor all taken together, or even the whole Creation being of any comparable Va- lue, with the Intereft of the Supream andVniverfal Ruler, himfilf alone; in refpet of whom all Nations are as the Dropof the Bucket, &c. efpecially ifwe add (tho' that be but of Secondary Confideration) that the Rights of the greate.f, even the univerfal Community of all Mankind, are involved with his oron, and that their common Peace, and Order, are to be preferved by Puniflr rents, even eternal ones, not as exe- cuted, but as threatned, (which as bath been Paid) made the Execution necefary, where the Terms, and Method of Re. mifiion, are not compliedwith. Andwhereas it is reckon'd difficult to affign the Creditor Arens., the reafon of that is not difficult to be afigned ; if we confider what the trueNotion of a Creditor is. And it is not taker! pal: lively, for himwho is intrufled with a- nother's rights, at leafs is not fo to be limited, inafmuch as a Man may be more