Part IL The Living Temple. 289 more properly, Creditor of what is his own, than of what is another's ; but actively, for one who trus another. But the Debitor polx is not intruded with any thing; but is only to be pu- nlfbt ; when he can be inet with, and duly brought thereto ; and therefore is not hound tooffer himfelf to Pu&fh- ment ; as another Debtor is, to pay what he owes ; who is to be active inthe Solution ; the Delinquent, pajfve only ; whence darepccnas is rightly interpreted . tofifer Punijhment. And that this is all, he is obliged to is plain, if we confider, that it is not the Precept of the Lain that, in this Cafe, obliges him; which only obliges to thedoing ofDu., ty 5 but the annexed Cor,,u:ination, which can only oblige to undergo Pu- nifhment. Creditor, indeed, is chofen as a fit word, to exprefs the correlative unto Debitor pcenx. But by it, we are to underfrand no more, than only the Object of this Solution fo, in Humane Governments, the Governour is irnpro -= perly, viz,. as he is intrufed with the Rights of the Community. But in the V .a1./ /Tvine