2. 90 The Living Temple. Part II; Divine Government, God himfelf, o- riginally, and radically, as he is Ma- ker, and Lord of all ; immediately, and formally, as he is the Supreme Ruler ; and fuch a One, therefore, as Governs principally, fto jure, and for hirrfelf; not for others. For he cannot but be his own Supream End. That he, allo, doth under- take the Care of the Concernment!, and Good ofothers, is of meer vouch- fafément, and Condefcenfion ; not from any antecedent Obligation fo to do. The Summ of all, therefore, is, That whether we take Divine Yu- dice, in the larger Senfe, as it com- prehends all the moral Excellencies, that relate to the Government of God over Man , efpecially his Wifdom, and his Holinefs ; or whether we take it in the firiCler Senfe, for a Principle inclining him to maintain, and vindicate the Rights and Dig- ni:y of his Government, it did di- reci as well his malting a Conflitution for the punifhing of Affronts, and Of fencer committed agaiinsi it ; as to pro-