292 The Living Temple. Part II. CHAP. VIII. The firfi Head thus far infi f ed on that a fufficient Recom- pence was neceffary ; the fe- cond fucceeds, That no lefs was fufficient, than that made by Emmanuel. Difhonourable to have in f fled on lefs. What the Divine Eftimate in this matterwas, his own Nordfbews. His Love to Offenders other- wife under reflraint. Propos'd to Confideration. 1. How great things were to be remitted :The Sins of all Times and Ages. Not from Infufliciency unappli- cable to all Sinners. Kenrif- on to be granted by an Univer- fal Law. 2. How great to be vouchfafed. Which follows. 2. And