Past II. ne Living Temple. 293, 2. ND fo much being clear, I. there is lefs need to inlift copioufly in {hewing, what comes next to be conldered, That* no Recompence Which is could befuicient for expiating the Wrong thefecond done, by the Violation of God's Temple a- po d along Men, and the laying its Fòundati- be disc. ons anew, bef/des that which hath beenCh. VI- made by the Son of God, EMMANUEL,S. II, God with us, becoming himfeif, fir t, an Original Temple, a Man, inhabited with all the Fulnefs of God ; . and then made alfo a Sacrifice to the offended Majefly and juftice of Heaven, for thole great, and high Purpofes, the ex- piating the Indignity of violating Cod's former Temple ; and the railing forming, and beautifying it anew, in Conformity to its prefent Patern, and Origin4l ; and then, poffe{ring, inha- biting, and refloring the Divine Pre- fence in it. For as it hath been {hewn already, that this Recompence could not but be IL f rli, and apt to anfiner theft Purpofes ; fo it is, in it fell, evident, that what- foever {hould be tendered, in the name of a Recompence, ought to be full,, and proportionable to the Wrong done, and to 'V 3 the