294 The Livilig Temple. Part II. the Favours, afterwards to be thewn, to the Tranfgreffors. For it wére nianife .ly r ore honoura- bit', and worthy of God, not to have exa&ed any Reconrpence at all, than to have accepted, in the name of a Sacri- &e, fuch as were unproportionable,artd be neath the value of what was to be re- mitted, and confer'd What had been lower, niufc, have been infinitely loner. Let any thingbe fuppos'd lefr thanGod, And it falls ininaenfly fhdrt of him. Such i5(he di fiance between created .lie- ing, and uncreaied, that the former is as nothing to the latter ; and therefore, bring the`F;onour and Maje`(ly of the t6 any thing left than an e4 ral tialire, and you bring it to ncthirrg. And this had been quite to lore the defign of infifting upon a kecónipence: It had been to make theMajefly of Elea-. "veti cheap, and depreciate the Dignity of the Divine Government, inflead of rendring it augufi and great. Therefore, the wholeCóOitution Of EMM.ANVEL, his undertaking Per- forniances, and cijuifitions, appear t have been,not only apt.fuitable,'&iii kàent to the intended Purpofes ; (which a frfipropoed to be íhe vh° but al- to