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Fart H. The Living Temple. 295 fo requifite and neceffary thereto. And for the evincing hereof ; let us III. apply our Minds to meditate filently,, and intently, a while, on thofe words ofour Lard, Joh. io. 17.Therefore doth nay Father love me, becaufe Ilay down my Life- And let us confider them, with that reverence, which we cannot but conceive due to words, we efteemmoíf facred and divine ; i. e. that theycould not be rafhly, or lightly fpoken : Whereupon, let us bethink our (elves ; Have thofe words a meaning ! This our awful regard to the venerable great- nefs of Him that (poke them, cannot fuffer us todoubt. And if they mean any thing, 'tis impofible they fhould not meanfoniewhat molt profound and great ! fonsewhat that implies a reference to a peculiar 8sorgi.i; ! as a Divine De- corum, that as an eternal Law, perpetual- ly condu&s all the Propenfons and De- terminations ofGod's moft perfeít Will, that could ,by nomeans,fufer anyViolati- on. What was moil becoming ofGod, viz, What might belt become him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, Heb. 2 10. worthy of thegreat,all-com- _pretending, central, original eing,from whence all things cprang,andwherein all V 4. terminate.