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296 The Living Temple. Part IL terminate. Here is fore gradual Re- te(gion, if u e confider wh.t immedi- ately follows, in bringing many Sons io Glory, &c. of the veiled Arcana of the Divine Being (if we may, on fo fit cc-- cation, allude to the Infcription in the Egyptian Temple, elfewhere mentioned in this Difcourfe : I am all that was; and is, and(hall be, and who is he that (hall drawOde my Veil ?) Here is, in fóme part, a withdrawing of that fa- èred Veil, by Him to whom by Prero- gative it belong'd, and of whom 'tis joh.i.YB. Paid, No Man hathfeen God at any tine; but the only begotten Son, who is in the Bofom of the Father, he bath declared him : Here is fore difciofure of the Col. 2. 2.Miyflery of God, ofthe Father, in whom the Divine Nature was primarily, and as in that Fire Fountain, and ofGrifl; the Myfery of the Mediator, of whom fhrifl was the diflinguifhing Name. TheAgreement, hitherto unconceivable and molt myfieriouf, of the abfolute Purity, and Perfection of the Divine Nature, with the admirable Merciful- ne s of the Conffitutiou of EM.MAN 'DEL, of God and Man united in one, in order to the Reconciliation of the Holy ;1:+ r,d God, with unholy, imfer- all+`