Part H. The Li=ving Temple. 297 able Man. Howwas it to be brought about, in a way becoming Him for whom, and by whom, all things were, fo great,fo augult a Majefly! that He fhould admit that fo defpicable and rebellious a Race, ínould not only be fav'd, but be made Sons ! This could never be, tho' his immenfe and boundlefs Love moll ftrongly inclin'd him to it, but by their havingOneof higheft Digni- ty, his own Son, fet as a Prince, or l're- fctt, over the whole Affair of their Salvation ; nor by him, but upon his own intervening Suffering ! This was according to fixed Rule indifpenfably neceffary, i. e. by the inviolable Max- ims of the Divine Government. But becaufe through the inconceiv- able Riches of his ownGoodnefs, this was a thinghe was moll propenfe un- to, and intent upon : Yet, becaufe the Deathof his own Son in their flead, couldneither be meritorious, nor jufi, without his ownfree Confent, [therefore] Pays our Lord, loth my Father love me, becaufe hay down my Life--- What.