Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

;98 The Living Temple. Part 1i What conceivable Reafon can there be of this Conne&ion, He [therefore] loves me--- becaufe, hay down my Life Without the Concurrence of thefe two things to be confidered conjunCly. A moft intenfe, vehement Love to a perilhing World. An inflexible Regard to the eter- nal immutable Meafures of right and wrong, fit and unfit, decent and indecent, that had their fixed everlafting Seat in the Mind of God. 3V. Theformer, made the End necefiary, the preventing the total, eternal , Ruin ofa loft World. The latter, made the Son ofGod's Death,, and his oxvn Confent thereto, the neceffary Means to this End. The.former, viz. the End, was not o- therwfe,neceffary than upon Sappofition. it was not fo àbfolutely neceifary, that by any Means, right or wrong, ffit or unfit, fuch a Ruin (even moft defer- ved) mute be prevented. But it was fo far neceffary, as that if by any right- fill and decorous Means, this Ruin could be prevented, as to many, and a contra- ry