Part II. The Living Temple, 299 ry Bleífed State of perpetual Life beat- tained by them. This rrujíz be ofted, andbrought about for them. Not, 'tis true, for all Offenders but as many as the like eternal, indif- penfable Means, and Ivleafures, of equal and nequal, fit and unfit, capable and rrcapable, fhould not exclude. All this we have in that molt admi- table Text of Scripture, Yoh. 3. 16. God fo loved the World, that he gave hh. My begotten Soso, that whvfbever belle- eth in bite /hould not perifhs but have E- verlafling Life. SO Loved! The Matter is fgnified ih fuch a ways as to leave all Men ama- ked ! and by their Aftonifhment to fup- ply their tnoft defe&ive Conception of fo fhiperidous a Love. The World is an indefinite Tertt, that contains the feczàl, and the afterwards fpecify'd Obje& QE' this Love 5 not a jingle Per- fan, but a Whole Race of intelligent Creatures, a World inhabited byfirth, that were not to be left, and finally all fwallów'd up together, in onecommon Ruin ; that upon this account he gave his onlybeotten San 5 to death, as the event and known defign fhew'd. And howunconceiv.'ble mu(t his Love be to