Soo The Living Temple. Part II'. to his only begotten Son ! The Brightnefi of his Glory ! The exprefr Image of his Perfon! always his Delight; yet rather than all this World íhould be loft for ever, lie is thus given up ! That whofo- ever believe on him, fhouldnot perifb, &c. which expreffes the certain, fpecify'd, declar'd, Object of this Love. Leaving them certainly excluded, who, after fufficient propofal, refufe their Ho- wage to the Throne ofEMMANUEL, choofe rather their forlorn Souls Mould be for ever forfaken of the Di- vine Prefence, than unite with him, and furrender themfelves to him, by whom alone, they might be refitted, animated again, and inhabited as his Living Temples. Their Exclufion is neceffary, by fuck meafures as thofe, by whichfrehmeans were neceffary to the Salvation, and hleffednefs of the o- thers. But who can doubt, hereupon, but that this Courfe was indilpeniably ne- ceffary to this End? Efpecially if (reviewing that firtt mentioned Text) we confider, that our Lord reprelents his laying down his Lift, as an unexpreffible additional Endear- ment ofhirn to the Fat " O thou " Son.