Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Temple. ;o Son of my Delights, thou haft now fetmy Love to Loft Souls at liberty, that hath been ever pregnant with great and godlike Deligns towards them, and that mull otherwife have " been under perpetual Reftraint, Which is moll evidently imply'd. But it may be faid, Could the Love V. ofGod be under reftraint ? And I fay, No, it could not. Therefore, to the all-comprehending mind, where Ends and Means lie connected together, un- der one permanant, eternal view, this Courfe prefented it felf, as peculiarly accommodate to this end ; &was there- fore eternally determinedby eafy con- cert, between the Father, and the Son ; not to remedy, but prevent any fuch re- ftraint. Yet, it may be further urg'd, Can- not the Abfolutenefs and Omnipoten- cy ofa God, enable him to fatisfy his own Propenfrons, if it were to fave ne- verfo many thoufand Worlds of of- fendingCreatures, without taking fuch a Circuit as this ? It was once faid to an humane mortal King, that had a- bout him but a thin lhadow of Sove- reignty ; Doti than now govern If rael