Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

30'2 The Living Temple. Part H. field, and not shake thy Will any way take place ? Much more might it here be faid, Doti thou govern the World? Art thou nor God ? Yes ! and may free- lyfay, I can the lefs for that I am God, do what is not Godlike. i. e. Can, therefore, the lets break through e(ia- bliíht, eternal Meafures, and counter- aft my felf. I mat do as becomes him, for whom, and by whom, are all things. Others may allume to therrifelves an imagined, unhallow'd Liberty of pur- fuing at the next, their own Inclinati- ons. But it is beneath Divine Great- nefs to do fo. Yet, in this Cafe, (it maybe further Paid) whydid not Love to his Son pre ponderate ? Which our Lord hirnfelf in great part obviates by what is fubjoyn- ed ---becaufe I lay down my Life 5 how ? with a Power and Defign to take it a- gain, as ver. 18. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. q. d. This is a Matter agreed. I am not to lie under a perpetual Death ; That could neither be grateful to my Father, nor is in it felf poiible. But as things are Rated, I am prepared to endure the Grofs, and defpife the Shame for the Joy fet before me, Which Joy will