Part Il. The Living Temple. 303 will be everlaftingly common to him and me, and to the whole redeemed Community according to their Mea- fure. But was all this unneceffary Trifling ? What ferious Man's Reverence ofDeity,, can let him endure to harbour fo pro- fane a Thought ! Therefore take we now the entire .Rate of this Matter as it lies plainly in view before us in thefe Texts of Scrip- ture. t. Here is an unexpreflible Love of God to undone loft Sinners. 2. Here is a plain Intimation, that this Love muff have been under a. Su- fpentionand Refiraint, if God's own Sonhad not laid down his Life for them. 3. It is as plainly fignify'd, that the Son ofGod's layingdown his Life for them, was, in divine Eftitnate, a fuffi- cient Expedient, to prevent this Re- ítraint upon bis Love to Sinners. 4. That