304 The Living Temple. Part H. 4. That this Expedient was reckon- ed by the Bleffed God more eligible, than that his Love to Sinners {hould be under perpetual everlaftingR.eitraint. 5. That it was only reckon'd more eligible, as therewas a conjunct Confí- deration had, ofhis laying it down, with a power, and defign of refuming, and taking it again. 6. That therefore, as the Eternal God had a molt confront, unque{tiona- ble Love to his only begotten Son, his Love to him bath a peculiar and molt complacential Exercife, on theaccount of his concurring withhim, upon this Expedient, choofing rather to endure all the Dolours of that one Hour, and Power of Darknefs, that was to come upon him, than that a whole World of Reafonable Creatures, his own Off- fpring, and bearing his own Image;, thould all perith together everlatt ingly. But