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Part II. The Living Temple. a 5 But who, now, fees not that this was the determinate Judgment of the Great God, Viz,. That his gracious De-. Agns towards gúilty Creatures, were not otherwife to be efle&ed, than in this yet, for the further clearing of this Matter, taking Heb. io. 4. that the Blood of the Lord Lhrifl, and of Bulls and Goats, are put in direct oppofition to each other : And hereupon, that 'cis faid of the latter, It is not pofable it should take away Sin ; what can that im- ply lefs, than that the former was necef fary to the taking it away ? Let us but appeal to our felves, what elfe can it mean ? Will we fay, tho' Si"; could not be taken away by the Blood of Bulls and Goats, it might by fonie nobler Sa- crifice, of an intermediate Value ? But is not this manifefily precluded, and barr'd by the i;nmediatenefs of the op., pofition ? Theft two, only, are in com- petition. And 'tis faid, not this, but that. Other SacrUices God would not, Pf.4b. 6, 7. Then (faith our Lord) Lo! I come. Theft are rejected. This is chofen. He taketh aw 1y the firl that he may efiablifh the fecond, ReJ. :. When 'tie faid, Afic 6e 6, X not