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3 o6 The Living Temple. Part II. not honiinds ofRants, or Zen Thoufand Rivers ofOyl : If one fhould fay, Yea, but Eleven 7houfand, might ferve, were not this trifling, not reafoning ? Is it not plain all other were refufable for the fame reafon ? I fhall now fomewhat enlarge (as was formerly defigned) upon the two things already intimated under the fore- going Head of EMMAN2)EL's Stufi- ciency, &c. as having acquired the TwofoldPower of Forgiving Sin. Giving the Spirits And fhall now Phew further ; the Ne- cefjity of his engaging in this Affair, [the rejioring of God's Temple] with reference to both thefe things, requifite thereto. And to this purpofe let it be confi- dered, What was to be Remitted by his Pro- Conferred cerement;