Part II. The Living Temple. 307 T. What was to be remitted : It was not theTingle Trefpafs of one, or a few, Delinquent Perlîons ; but the Revolt, and Rebellion, of a vafl Community ; an univerfal Hoflility, and Enmity, con- tinued and propagated thro' many fuc- ceffive Ages, that was now, once for all, to be aton'd for. It is, hereupon, to be confidered, How; great the Offence was, that mull be remitted. The Way, and Manner, in which the Grant was to be madeofthis Remiffron. r.Howgreat was the Offence to be re-. mitted a whole Race and Order of Creatures had been in a Confpiracy a- gainft their rightful Lord, to deface his Temple, tear down his Image, invade his Rights, withhold and incapacitate themfelves for his WorfZiip, fuhflitute, inftead of that, higheft Coa:tempt, ba- nifh his Prefence, and as much as in them lay, raze out his Memorial, that he might be no more known, feared, or ferved upon Earth ! How horrid a X 2 Profpeet