o8 The Living Temple. Part ii. Profped had the Lord from Heaven, when from the Throne of his Glory there, he beheld the State ofthings be- low ! Pfal. 14. 2, 3. The Lord looked down fromHeaven upon the Children of Men, tofee ifany did underhand, and feek after God ; they are all gone back, none that does good, no not one. All were become finch mifchievous, wicked Fools ; as tofay, with one confent, in their Hearts, --noGod! And though, 'tis true, this Wicked- nefs was not in event to be a&ually re- mitted to.all, the Cafe was to be fo í}a- ted, that Remion might be zíniverfally ofered ; and that it be left to lie upon Mens own Score, if it were not accept- ed ; and therefore, that a Sacrifice mutt be offered up, of no lefs value, than, if every tingle Tranfgreffor, was to have his adual, Pealed, Pardon. V For let it be confider'd, What fort of Tranfgreffors are excluded the Benefit of Pen;ijfaon, on the account of that Great Sacrfce, that once for all was offered up. And we find it not difficult to apprehend other ino f important Rea- fons, why they are excluded ; but no colour of a Reafon that it thould be fer