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Part II. The Living Temple. 309 for want offitfficient Value in this Sa- crifice. i. As for the Angels that ,fell, tho' their Cafe comes not dire&ly, under our prefent Confederation ; yet, occa fionally, and as (afortiori) we may ar- gue from it, Tome thoughts may be ufefully employ'd about it. The Divine Pleafure herein is, in- deed, intimated in the Son of od's not taking their Nature, but ours. And his known meaftre of fhewing Mercy, is, that he willPhew Mercy, becaufe he will {hew Mercy ; yet, whereas we find that the mofr Sovereign A& of Grace, thepredinating of fome, to the Adop- tion ofChildren, is afcribed to thegood pleafitre, Eph. z. S. The fame Al is afcribed allo, to the Counfel ofhis Yl'll, ver. II. And when we fee the Apoflle in that holy Tranfport, Rom. r r. 33 cryingout, incontemplation of diflin- guifhing Mercy, if, aa.99-, 0 the depth l He loth not fay of the Sovereign Power, but of the l'Vifdom and Knowledge ofGod, and admires the l.,'nfearchablenefs, not of his lrbitrary Determinations, but of his judgments and Ways, or judicial Proceedings towards them that believed, X 3 or