111111111 3 i 0 The Living Temple. Part Il. or believednot, Pf. 3o. 31, 32. Imply- ing, he had Reafons to himfelf, though pail our finding out, of his different Proceedings towards fonte, and o- thers. And as for the Angels that fell, and whom he thought fit not to f are, 2 Pet. 2. 4, 5. Jud. 6. He threw them into Chains of Darknefs, refolving to deal with them, not upon Terms of abfolute Sovereignty, but of yuflice, therefore referving them to the yzrdgrrent of the great Day ; not, in the mean time, af- fording them afecond trial, in order to their Recovery, as he bath to us, even of meer Mercy, for no Juftice could oblige him to offer us new Terms : Yet their Cafe, and ours, fo differed, that there are Reafons obvious to view, and which matt reopen to all, in the 11 ub- licl; final yudgnzent, why he might judge it fitter to defign the Obje Es of Mercy among Men, than the Apoflate _Angels. As . That we must fuppofe them (viz. the Angels) created, each of them, itg per f Mat ,.Vity, unto which we (our 1't Parent Ì evcertece grow up gradu- and by for degrees. they had