Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II, The Living Temple. 3 t t their intelle Jual Ability, fit for prefent Exercile, when they fir exified 5 and did all, then, at once co- exiii, (as we generally reckon, having nothing to induce us to thinkotherwife) we come into Being fucceffively, and exit, here, but in a Succeffion. 2. Whereas they, therefore, muff be underftood to have been originally, un- der a fort of Covenant of Works (as we were) or were, fame way or other, made to underftand, what, by the Law of their Creation, was their Duty, to- wards the Author etheir Beings ; and what their Expec.tations might be from him. We have no Reafon, therefore, to apprehend, that they were treated with, in one common Head, of their own Order, in whom they fhouldhand or fall, as we were; our Cafe not ad_- mating it to be otherwife., becaufe we . were not co-exiftent with him. But we muff conceive them to have been, every individual of them, perfonal Co- venanters ; each one, in his own Per- Jon, receiving the Signification of their ;Maker's Will ; and, if there were rea- fan, or need, offoleann Peflipulation ; e tctl. one in his own Perfon, as it were X 4. plight-