3 11 The Living Temple. Part H. plighting his Faith, and vowing his Allegiance, to the Cceleftial Crown, and Throne. They, therefore, from felf-contraedMalignity, rebell'd with open Eyes : And tho' an Obligation by a Common Head, were binding ; theirs by their own Ad and Deed, muff: be more ftrongly binding. And their Revolt, more deeply, and more hain- oullyCriminal. 3. The Pofterity of our Apoti atefirfi Parents, have but a limited time, in this State of Probation, wherein to under- f;and theprefent, altered, State ofthings, between them and their offended Lord, Within which time, tho' he forefaw the Malignity of very many, would never be overcome by his Goodnefs, in the ordinary Methods, wherein he recko- ned it became him to difcover, andex- -trcife it towards them ; yet, accord- ing to the Coarrfe and Law of Nature, he had now fettled for this A- poi1ate, Sinful World, their Cdurfe would foonbe run out, and they would got have opportunity long to continue their Rebellion, and obftruet his Inte- efr and Ielîgns on Earth; and alfo,' haviL g ail things ever prefent to hisall- comprehending