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Part II. The Living Temple. 3 t 3 comprehending view, he foreknew, and fore-determined, that great Num- bers fhould become the Captives of his Grace; and that the Love, and Blood of an .vi1ANZ3EL, {hould not be loft and thrown away upon them. He fhould make themwilling in the Day of his Power, to fall in with gracious In- tend ments, and their Redeemer fhould fee his Seed, and the Travel of his Soul, and befatisfy'd, therein. Whereas he beheld the ApoI ate Spirits of that higher Order, fixt in Enmity ; not vincibleby any ordinary Methods. Nor was it to be expe&ed he fhould exert (in this Cafe) his abfolute Power and Act ad ultimum, as a natural Agent Both to its very uttermof. (Had he thought that fit, Jlie could as well have prevented their Revolt.) Or that he fhould have appointed a Redeemer for their Reco- very, who were irrecoverable. Their Cafe, at firft, being (probably) very parallel to theirs among ;Lien who fin that Sin againfl the Holy Ghofl. And as things lay inDivine ProfpeF, their malicious oppoutions to God's Defigns in this World, was not bounded with- in the narrow limits of a fhort Human Life ; but their Natures not being fub- jef